Jacob A. Wegelin

Department of Biostatistics
Virginia Commonwealth University
830 East Main Street Suite 700
P. O. Box 980032
Richmond, Virginia 23298-0032
Citizenship: United States of America and Switzerland


B.A. in Classics, B.S. in Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, June 1986

M.S. in Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle, December 1989

Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle, June 2001


Phi Beta Kappa, University of Washington, 1985

President's Medal, University of Washington (top graduating senior of the class), 1986

Graduate Fellow, National Science Foundation, 1986-1989


Statistical Consultant, Numbers Inc., Bainbridge, Washington, March to June 1996.

Advised client on choice of model in a market-segmentation context. Designed and implemented a bootstrap algorithm to estimate variability.

Statistician, Department of Environmental Health, University of Washington, June to Sept 1996.

Designed and implemented a data-entry procedure using SAS macros. Fit a non-linear model to test a hypothesis regarding the rate at which mutations occur in humans as a function of age.

Statistical Programmer, Group Health Cooperative, Seattle, Washington, Nov 1996 to Jan 1997.

Created datasets from telephone survey data in studies of mammography and diabetes using the SAS language. Performed exploratory data analysis.

Statistical Consultant, Department of Statistics, University of Washington, March 1997 to June 1999.

Performed data analysis, mathematical modeling, and data management for clients in government, industry, and academia, in a variety of subject areas, including environmental monitoring, pathology, animal behavior, and industrial safety.

Statistician, Telcordia Technologies, Morristown, New Jersey, June to August 2000.

Assisted in an information retrieval project related to the ninth annual Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-9).

Teaching Assistant, Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Sept 1999 to March 2001

Planned and conducted weekly lectures and discussions in a mathematical statistics course for graduate students in economics, and in two introductory statistics courses for undergraduates. Conducted main lecture during instructor's absence.

Research Assistant, Department of Statistics, University of Washington, April to June 2001.

Completed dissertation and produced a technical report related to the modeling of cross-covariance.

Lecturer, University of Washington, 2001-2002

Taught MATH/STAT 394/395, an accelerated undergraduate course in probability theory; and BLS 315, a first course in statistics.

Assistant Adjunct Professor, Division of Biostatistics, Department of Public Health Sciences, School of Medicine, University of California, Davis, 2002_2007.

Collaborated on research projects in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and through the Clinical/Translational Research Investigator Services Program (CRISP). Taught graduate courses in statistical methods for epidemiologists and clinical investigators.

Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, School of Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, 2007-present.

Collaborate on research projects in the Center for Clinical and Translational Research.


Jacob A. Wegelin. "Shiloh article: Downplaying authoritarian hierarchy?" Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, (94):5-6, Spring 1997. Letter.

Alice Taff and Jacob Wegelin. Intonation of declaratives and questions in Unangan (Eastern Aleut). Volume 95 of UCLA Working Papers, pages 102-113. December 1997.

Alice Taff and Jacob Wegelin. Intonation contours in Unangan (Eastern Aleut): Phonetic description. In Meeting handbook, pages 110-111. Linguistic Society of America, 8-11 January 1998.

Alice Taff and Jacob Wegelin. Intonation of noun phrases in Unangan (Eastern Aleut). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103(5, Pt. 2):2889, 20-26 June 1998.

P. D. Connor, A. P. Streissguth, P. D. Sampson, F. L. Bookstein, H. Barr, and J. A. Wegelin. Fluency and speed of information processing as related to quantitative neuroimaging in fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effects: preliminary findings. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 4(1):21, January 1998.

Jacob A. Wegelin. A survey of Partial Least Squares (PLS) methods, with emphasis on the two-block case. Technical Report 371, Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle, 2000.

Jacob A. Wegelin. Latent models for cross-covariance. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Statistics, University of Washington, 2001.

Alice Taff, Lorna Rozelle, Taehong Cho, Peter Ladefoged, Moses Dirks, and Jacob Wegelin. Phonetic structures of Aleut. Journal of Phonetics, 29(3):231-271, July 2001.

Jacob A. Wegelin and Thomas S. Richardson. Cross-covariance modelling via DAGs with hidden variables. In Jack Breese and Daphne Koller, editors, Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference (UAI-2001), August 2-5, 2001, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, pages 546-553. Morgan Kaufmann, 2001.

Jacob A. Wegelin, Thomas S. Richardson, and David L. Ragozin. Rank-one latent models for cross-covariance. Technical Report 391, Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle, 2001.

Jacob A. Wegelin, Asa Packer, and Thomas S. Richardson. Rank_r latent models for cross_covariance. Technical Report 411, Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle, 2002.

Jacob Wegelin and Alice Taff. Quantitative Analysis of Intonation Contours: Principles and an Example. In Siri Tuttle, editor, Proceedings of the 2003 Athabaskan Languages Conference, number 3 in Alaska Native Language Center Working Papers, pages 81-93, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2003.

Bourgeois JA, Hales RE, Servis ME, and Wegelin J. Psychiatric and Medical Diagnoses on 900 CLS Inpatient Cases in the Era of Managed Care: Review and Comparison to Previous Studies. Psychosomatics 2004, 45(2)147. Abstract.

Bourgeois JA, Kremen WS, Servis M, Wegelin J, and Hales RE. The effect of psychiatric illness on length of stay in a major university medical center. Psychosomatics 2004, 45(2) 166. Abstract.

Bourgeois JA, Wegelin JA, Servis ME, and Hales RE. Psychiatric Diagnoses of 901 Inpatients Seen by Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrists at an Academic Medical Center in a Managed Care Environment. Psychosomatics 2005, 46(1):47-57.

Bourgeois JA, Kremen WS, Servis ME, Wegelin JA, and Hales RE. The Impact of Psychiatric Diagnosis on Length of Stay in a University Medical Center during the Managed Care Era. Psychosomatics 2005, 46(5):431-439.

Wegelin JA, McNamara P, Durso R, Brown A, McLaren D. Correlates of excessive daytime sleepiness in Parkinson's Disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2005, 11(7):441-448.

Hessl D, Tassone F, Loesch DZ, Berry-Kravis E, Leehey MA, Gane LW, Barbato I, Rice C, Gould E, Hall DA, Grigsby J, Wegelin JA, Harris S, Lewin F, Weinberg D, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ.Abnormal elevation of FMR1 mRNA is associated with psychological symptoms in individuals with the fragile X premutation. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2005, 139(1), 115-121.

Corbett BA, Mendoza S, Abdullah M, Wegelin JA, Levine S. Cortisol Circadian Rhythms and Response to Stress in Children with Autism. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2006;31:59-68.

Wegelin JA, Packer A, and Richardson TS. Latent models for cross-covariance. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 2006, 97(1): 79-102.

Tsodikov A, Szabo A, Wegelin J. A population model of prostate cancer incidence. Statistics in Medicine 2006;25(16):2846-66.

Bourgeois JA, Hilty DM, Wegelin JA, Hales RE. Cognitive-Disorder Diagnoses in Inpatient Psychosomatic-Medicine Consultations: Associations with Age and Length of Stay. Psychosomatics 2006;47(5):414-20.

Guadalupe M, Sankaran S, George MD, Reay E, Verhoeven D, Shacklett BL, Flamm J, Wegelin J, Prindiville T, Dandekar S. Viral Suppression and Immune Restoration in the Gastrointestinal Mucosa of HIV-1 infected Patients Initiating Therapy during Primary or Chronic Infection. Journal of Virology 2006;80(16):8236-47.

Rogers JH, Wegelin J, Harder K, Valente R, Low R. Assessment of FFR-Negative Intermediate Coronary Artery Stenoses by Spectral Analysis of the Radiofrequency Intravascular Ultrasound Signal. J INVASIVE CARDIOL 2006;18:448-53.

Moshirfar M, Feiz V, Vitale AT, Wegelin JA, Basavanthappa S, Wolsey DH. Endophthalmitis after uncomplicated cataract surgery with the use of fourth-generation fluoroquinolones: a retrospective observational case series. Ophthalmology. 2007 Apr;114(4):686-91.

Chiu S, Wegelin JA, Blank J, Jenkins M, Day J, Hessl D, Tassone F, Hagerman R. Early acceleration of head circumference in children with fragile x syndrome and autism. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2007 Feb;28(1):31-5.

Hilty DM, Marks S, Wegelin J, Callahan EJ., Nesbitt TS. A randomized, controlled trial of disease management modules, including telepsychiatric care, for depression in rural primary care. Psychiatry MMC (1550-5952), 2007 4(2), 58-65.

Hessl D, Tassone F, Cordeiro L, Koldewyn K, McCormick C, Green C, Wegelin J, Yuhas J, Hagerman RJ. Brief report: aggression and stereotypic behavior in males with fragile X syndrome--moderating secondary genes in a "single gene" disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2008 Jan;38(1):184-9.

Medici V, Rossaro L, Wegelin JA, Kamboj A, Nakai J, Fisher K, Meyers FJ. The utility of the model for end-stage liver disease score: a reliable guide for liver transplant candidacy and, for select patients, simultaneous hospice referral. Liver Transpl. 2008 Aug;14(8):1100-6.

Hinton L, Tomaszewski Farias S, Wegelin J. Neuropsychiatric symptoms are associated with disability in cognitively impaired Latino elderly with and without dementia: results from the Sacramento Area Latino study on Aging. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2008 Jan;23(1):102-8.

Etzioni R, Tsodikov A, Mariotto A, Szabo A, Falcon S, Wegelin J, DiTommaso D, Karnofski K, Gulati R, Penson DF, Feuer E. Quantifying the role of PSA screening in the US prostate cancer mortality decline. Cancer Causes Control. 2008 Mar;19(2):175-81.

Corbett BA, Mendoza S, Wegelin JA, Carmean V, Levine S. Variable Cortisol Circadian Rhythms in Children with Autism and Anticipatory Stress. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 2008;33(3):227-34.

Travis T, Monsky WL, London J, Danielson M, Brock J, Wegelin J, Link DP. Evaluation of short-term and long-term complications after emergent internal iliac artery embolization in patients with pelvic trauma. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2008 Jun;19(6):840-7.

Lim RF, Wegelin J, Hua LL, Kramer EJ, Servis M. Evaluating a Lecture on Cultural Competence in the Medical School Pre-Clinical Curriculum. Academic Psychiatry 2008 July-August 32(3):327-331.

Bourgeois JA, Wegelin JA. Lagtime in psychosomatic medicine consultations on cognitive disorders patients: association with length of stay. Psychosomatics 2009; 50:622-625.

Hoffman MD, Wegelin JA. The Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run: Participation and Performance Trends. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2009; 41:2191-2198.

Marks SL, Wegelin JA, Bourgeois JA, Perkins J. Anxiety Disorders in Rural Primary Care: Use of the MINI to Estimate Prevalence in Clinic Patients. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2010;21:680-690.

Sterling RK, Wegelin JA, Smith PG, Stravitz RT, Luketic VA, Fuchs M, Puri P, Shiffman ML, Contos MA, Mills AS, Sanyal AJ. Similar Progression of Fibrosis between HIV/HCV- and HCV-Infected Patients: Analysis of Paired Liver Biopsy Samples. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2010 Dec;8(12):1070-6.

Bajaj JS, Heuman DM, Wade JB, Gibson DP, Saeian K, Wegelin JA, Hafeezullah M, Bell DE, Sterling RK, Stravitz RT, Fuchs M, Luketic V, Sanyal AJ. Rifaximin Improves Driving Simulator Performance in Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Gastroenterology 2011 Feb;140(2):478-487.

Wegelin JA, Hoffman MD. Variables Associated with Odds of Finishing and Finish Time in a 161-km Ultramarathon. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2011; 111:145.

Dodson KM, Blanton S, Welch K, Norris VW, Nuzzo RL, Wegelin JA, Marin RS, Nance WE, Pandya A, Arnos KS. Vestibular Dysfunction in DFNB1 Deafness. Am J Med Genet Part A 2011, 155:993–1000.

Brindle CT, Wegelin JA. Prophylactic Dressing Application to Reduce Pressure Ulcer Formation in Cardiac Surgery Patients. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 2012; 39(2):1-10.

Fisher BJ, Kraskauskas D, Martin EJ, Farkas D, Wegelin JA, Brophy D, Ward KR, Voelkel, NF, Fowler AA 3rd, Natarajan R.  Mechanisms of Attenuation of Abdominal Sepsis Induced Acute Lung Injury by Ascorbic Acid.  Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2012 Jul;303(1):L20-32.

Brown KW, Coogle C, Wegelin JA. (in press). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Caregivers of Family Members with Early Stage Dementia. Aging and Mental Health.

Reynolds PS, Michael MJ, Cochran ED, Wegelin JA, Spiess BD. Prehospital use of plasma in traumatic hemorrhage (The PUPTH Trial): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 2015 16:321.


"Aeschylus' Agamemnon," 1995, and "Euripides' Hippolytus," 1994, guest lectures in an introductory course in mythology, Pierce College, Puyallup, Washington.

"Detecting and measuring neuroanatomic differences in a study of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome," Department of Statistics, University of Washington, September 1997.

"Splitting trials: basics of the Shiloh experience." Communal Studies Association Twenty-fourth Annual Conference, Tacoma, Washington, 10 November 1997.

"Modeling cross-covariance by pairs of latent variables," Working Group on Model-Based Clustering and Bayesian Model Selection, University of Washington, April 1999.

"Biostatistics," guest lecture to calculus and biology students, Neah_Kah_Nie High School, Rockaway Beach, Oregon, 27 February 2003.

Jacob Wegelin and Alice Taff, "Intonation in Aleut," Phonetics Lab Working Group, Department of Linguistics, University Of Washington, Seattle, 21 April 2003.

Jacob Wegelin and Alice Taff, "Quantitative Analysis of Intonation in an Endangered Language," Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University Of Washington, Seattle, joint with Alice Taff, 23 April 2003.

Jacob Wegelin and Alice Taff, "Quantitative analysis of intonation in endangered languages," Athabascan Languages Conference, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California, 7 June 2003.

Jacob Wegelin and Thomas Richardson, "Latent variables: A cautionary tale," Joint Statistical Meetings, San Francisco, 5 August 2003.

D. Hessl, S. Cohen, R. Tong-Turnbeaugh, S. Jacquemont, L. Gane1, T. Jardini, J. Wegelin, F. Tassone, P.J. Hagerman, and R.J. Hagerman. Structural neuroimaging and molecular correlates of psychopathology in adult males with the FMR1 premutation. American Society of Human Genetics, 53rd Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, 6 November, 2003.

Hilty DM, Marks SL, Wegelin J, Callahan ES, Nesbitt TS: "A Randomized Controlled Trial of Telepsychiatry vs. Usual Care For Adults With Depression in Rural Primary Care: Preliminary Results." Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, San Diego, CA, November 2003.

Lim R., Servis M., Hua L., Wegelin J. Designing an outcome study for cross-cultural education. Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry, Monterey, CA, 25 June 2005.

Hessl D, Tassone F, Loesch DZ, Berry-Kravis E, Leehey M, Gane LW, Barbato I, Rice C, Gould E, Hall DA, Grigsby J, Wegelin JA, Harris S, Lewin F, D. W, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ. Abnormal elevation of FMR1 mRNA is associated with psychological symptoms in individuals with the fragile X premutation. Twelfth International Conference on Fragile X and X Linked Mental Retardation, Williamsburg, Virginia, 26-29 August, 2005.

Rojany M, Wegelin J, Trudeau W, Prindiville T. A Rapid One-Hour Infusion of Infliximab is Well-Tolerated. Digestive Disease Week 2006, May 20-25, 2006, Los Angeles.

Quanbeck C., McDermott B., Wegelin J., Lam J., Scott C. Antecedents to psychotic assaults in a forensic hospital. Visiting Scholars Program, Napa State Hospital, Napa, California, 2 May 2006.

Chiu S., Wegelin J., Blank J., Jenkins M., Day J., Hessl D., Tassone F., Hagerman R. Early acceleration of head circumference in children with Fragile X and autism, 5th International Meeting For Autism Research (IMFAR), Montreal, Canada, 2006.

Janatpour K, Dwyre DM, Cannon J, Wegelin J, Lee P. Pitfalls of Manual White Blood Cell Determination in Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Components. In: American Association of Blood Banks Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida; 2006 21-24 October; Miami Beach, Florida; 2006.

Butani L, Wegelin JA, Byrd RS. Demographic Determinants of Urinary Calcium Excretion in Healthy Children. American Federation for Medical Research 2007 Western Regional Meeting, January 31 - February 3, 2007, Carmel, California.

Travis T, Monsky WL, London J, Danielson M, Link D, Wegelin JA, et al. Short- and long-term sequelae of internal iliac artery embolization in pelvic trauma. Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Meeting, March 1-6, 2007, Abstract number 45.

Pham H, Escobedo E, Hunter J, Wegelin J. The Association of “Wavy” Patella Tendon with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear. Association of University Radiologists 55th Annual Meeting, April 24-28, 2007, Denver, Colorado.

Butani L, Wegelin JA, Byrd RS. Determinants of Urinary Calcium Excretion in Healthy Children. American Society of Nephrology, Renal Week 2007, October 31 - November 5, 2007, San Francisco.

Wegelin J. Autism, Cortisol, and the Analysis of Longitudinal Data. Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Biostatistics Colloquium, September 28, 2007.

Logan I, Al-Juburi A, Limoges-Gonzalez M, Wegelin J, Garcia J.  Open Access Colonoscopy: An Acceptable Strategy to Boost Colon Cancer Screening.  American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting, October 12 - 17, 2007, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Sterling RK, Smith PG, Wegelin J, Shiffman ML, Stravitz RT, Luketic VA, Fuchs M, Sanyal AJ.  Prospective evaluation by paired liver biopsy of HCV disease progression in patients coinfected with HIV.  Hepatology 2008;48(suppl):321A(abstract 27). American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) 2008 The Liver Meeting, 31 October – 4 November, San Francisco, California. Oral presentation and poster.

Quanbeck C, McDermott B, Lam J, Scott C, Wegelin J, Iosif AM.  ANTECEDENTS TO ASSAULTS MOTIVATED BY PSYCHOSIS IN LONG-TERM PSYCHIATRIC INPATIENTS. American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL), 23-26 October 2008, Seattle, Washington.

Fogard K, Hoffman MD, Fraix M, Wegelin J. Impact of Ambient Temperature on Performance in a 161-km Ultramarathon Run. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), 27-30 May, 2009, Seattle, Washington. Abstract in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 41:5 Supplement.

Wegelin J, Hoffman M. Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Probability Of Finishing The Western States 100-mile Endurance Run. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), 27-30 May 2009, Seattle, Washington. Abstract in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 41:5 Supplement.

Wegelin JA and Hoffman, MD. Analysis of longitudinal dichotomous data with non-nested grouping variables: a case study from sports science. 2009 WNAR (The Western North American Region of The International Biometric Society) / IMS (Institute of Mathematical Statistics) annual meeting, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., 17 June 2009.

Wegelin JA and Hoffman, MD. Variables associated with finish time in a 161-km ultramarathon. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), 2-5 June 2010, Baltimore, Maryland.

Bajaj J, Wegelin JA, et al. Rifaximin improves driving simulator performance in minimal hepatic encephalopathy: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, prospective randomized trial. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) The Liver Meeting, 31 October – 4 November 2010, Boston, Massachusetts.

Turner P, Wegelin J, Smith P, Sterling R. A prospective analysis of the relationship of hepatic fibrosis to quality of life in HIV-HCV co-infection.  American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) The Liver Meeting, 29 October - 2 November 2010, Boston, Massachusetts.

Brindle C. Tod, Wegelin JA. Prophylactic Dressing Application to Reduce Pressure Ulcer Formation in Cardiac Surgery Patients. European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), 31st August – 2nd September, 2011; and The Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC), Association for the Advancement of Wound Care, 13-15 October, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Wegelin JA. Introductory Statistics for Medical Students---in 6 Lectures. 2012 ENAR Spring Meeting (International Biometric Society, Eastern North American Region), April 1-4, 2012, Washington, DC.

Leszczyszyn D, Clark J, McNallen A, Mathew E, Wegelin J, Taylor S. CPAP prediction equations: Performance in an urban population. Chest 2012, October 20-25, Atlanta, Georgia. Chest. 2012; 142(4_MeetingAbstracts):1049A. doi:10.1378/chest.1390805

Dow A, Anderson A, Wegelin J. Effect of a Medical Student Capstone Course in Communication as Assessed by Community Members. 2012 AAMC Annual Meeting (American Association of Medical Colleges), NOVEMBER 2 - 7, 2012.

Coney PJ, Ladson G, Sweet SD, Archibong AE, Wan W, Kunselman A, Dodson WC, Demers LM, Williams NI, Wright MS, Wegelin J, Legro RS. Bone Mineral Density: Associations with Race, Body Mass, and Sex Steroid Hormones. Health Disparities Summit, Baltimore, Maryland, 31 October - 2 November 2012.

Lee JU, Wegelin, JA, Fratkin MJ, Jolles PR, Meredith RL. Can semiquantitative analysis of DaTscan SPECT imaging enhance the ability to distinguish between Parkinsonism and Non Parkinsonism? MidEastern Chapter Society of Nuclear Medicine, Spring Meeting, Ocean City, Maryland, April 12-14, 2013.

Wegelin JA, Brown KW. Spline models for cortisol circadian rhythms. Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), Seattle, Washington, August 10, 2015.

Wegelin JA. Spline Analysis of Human Cortisol Rhythms. VCU Department of Biostatistics Research Colloquium, April 1, 2016.


 “Intonation in Unangas (Western Aleut), an endangered Alaskan language,” Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences seed grant, University of Washington. PI: Thomas Richardson. Role: Temporary Research Scientist (100%). Project period: August-September 2001. Total direct costs $15,000. Developed models for fundamental pitch in Unangas.

 “Collaborative Research on Graphical Markov Models and Related Topics in Multivariate Statistical Analysis,” National Science Foundation Grant No. DMS-0071818. University of Washington. PI: Michael Perlman. Role: Research assistant (50%), March-June 2001. Total Direct Costs $156,000. Completed Ph.D. dissertation, “Latent Models for Cross-Covariance.”

“Clinical and Translational Science Center,” National Institutes of Health Grant No. UL1 RR024146. From the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and NIH Roadmap for Medical Research. University of California, Davis. PI: Lars Berglund. Role: Biostatistician (100%), Project period: 09/30/2006-07/01/2007. Total direct costs $4,637,796. Consulted and collaborated with university investigators. Assisted in grant proposals and in scientific articles for submission to peer-reviewed journals.

 “Center for Clinical and Translational Research,” NIH Grant No. UL1RR031990. Virginia Commonwealth University. PI: John Clore. Role: Biostatistician (83.8%). Project period: 07/01/2010-03/31/2012. Total Direct Costs $4,000,000. Role: Co-investigator. Review protocols, assist in writing protocols and grant applications, co-author scientific articles for submission to peer-reviewed journals.

 “VCU Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health,” NIH Grant No. K12HD055881. Virginia Commonwealth University. PI: J. Strauss. Biostatistician (16.2%). Project period: 08/01/2010-07/31/2012. Total Direct Costs $460,001. Role: Co-investigator. Review protocols, assist in writing protocols and grant applications, co-author scientific articles for submission to peer-reviewed journals.

Co-investigator, “VCU Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health,” Jerome Strauss, P.I., Virginia  Commonwealth University, NICHHD/NIH/DHHS: 1K12HD055881-01.

Co-investigator, “Center for Clinical and Translational Research,” John Clore, P.I., Virginia Commonwealth University, NIH: UL1RR031990.

Co-investigator, “Center for Clinical and Translational Research,” John Clore, P.I., Virginia Commonwealth University, NIH: UL1TR000058.

Co-investigator, "Assessing the effects of a communication curriculum of theatre_based skills on medical students' communication skills and patient perception of these students," Aaron Anderson, P.I., Virginia Commonwealth University, VCU Presidential Research Incentive Program.

Co-investigator, “Prehospital use of plasma for traumatic hemorrhage,” Bruce D. Spiess, P.I., Virginia Commonwealth University, DOD: W81XWH-12-2-0022.


American Statistical Association

ENAR / International Biometric Society


English, German, French, Classical and Homeric Greek, Latin, Spanish, some spoken Chinese.


Volunteer of the Year, Asian Counseling and Referral Service, Vocational English as a Second Language Program, 1994.